Legal Professionals

Siemly is a tool that can help improve communication and collaboration between Legal and IT teams within an organization. By providing Legal with access to Microsoft 365 features and functions that they would not normally have access to, Siemly allows Legal to better understand the technology being used within the organization and how employees are using it. This can be useful in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Identifying potential compliance violations: Siemly can help Legal teams monitor activity logs and track employee behavior to identify potential violations of company policies or industry regulations. This can help prevent legal issues before they arise, and enable Legal to take swift action when necessary.

  • Searching for specific documents: Siemly can make it easy for Legal teams to search for specific documents or information within the organization's Microsoft 365 environment. This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as during an audit or when responding to a legal request.

  • Collaborating more effectively with IT: Siemly can help Legal teams collaborate more effectively with IT by providing them with access to the same tools and information that IT uses. This can improve communication and coordination between the two teams, and ultimately benefit the entire organization.

Importantly, Siemly does not alter any internal IT controls, so Legal teams can gain valuable insights without worrying about disrupting IT operations. With Siemly, Legal teams can quickly access the information they need to make informed decisions and respond to critical situations in a timely manner.

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